Friday, May 25, 2018

Dumb Mistakes Investment For Newbies

Firstly this is My Experiences and I hope you profit from my mistakes. Free Speech and all that.

Buying into an earthquake area, floor levels need to be just that...! with only a fifty millimeter tolerance In floor Levels with Laser  levels.( As in New Zealand .Building Code). The house purchases, can be much cheaper than normal.

Investing into Multi Country currencies can be very lucrative as long as the Dollar is working for you and picking a weak stock with growth is usually a great idea. This can double your profits.

I personally pick penny stocks but i need to invest in ten different stocks, Out of that, 3 will go broke.
stopping trading 1 to 2 will make exceptional gains.....The rest will stay marginally static in my experience. Share markets are ALL at historical highs and can pretty much only go one way in my opinion.

Worst mistake is to make a huge profit and because it was so easy, get greedy, Slipping half the profits into a Bio Chemistry waiting for Phase3 Trials Results.... before going to market with approval with FDA..........(buy after the announcement not before....)Price will fall off a cliff if the FDA don't approve.

Generally Mining stocks can be either lucrative or track south given your research ability.
But look for Maiden JORC results quantified estimations. Very important and how soon they can get to market. Research, you can never do enough.

Finally I like back door (Shell Companies) MERGER TAKEOVERS if done swiftly and effectively with good strong management.

Nothing is ever a certainty ,Never have all your funds in the same area or you will get burnt at some point in time.  Markets can change at any time ....Moments Notice...! Do Your Own Due Diligence.


I had flown into Christchurch to fix houses and was in the middle of a Wallpaper hanging job
and i felt the job was taking longer than normal. Christchurch was hit by a few large earth quakes back in 2011 , A lot of damage was just cosmetic, wall linings cracks , but some where more structural foundations etc  180 people had been tragically  killed through it .
Anyway the elderly lady
Owner of the dwelling...Said ...".I have been listening to you're Breathing."

"You sound just like my Husband before he died with a sudden Heart Attack...!".

(Mental Note)
 As soon as i finished the job i ambled down to A+E (Accident and  Emergency )
hospital... Didn't leave for three days and then they rushed me for a Mitral valve Repair for my Heart.
With a Regurgitating blood problem from the Heart, going back into the Lungs. 90%

My Wife was super surprised to hear of a 6 week time out to recover . But my recovery was speedy and not long and i was back on triple story buildings scaling up the scaffold outside .

Pretty Chippa that i didn't DIE!
Thanks to the Surgeons .

We  were now living long distance Relationships .
My Wife inherited the jobs of looking after  a bunch of calves and chickens with Smoochy the Cat
on our Small coastal Farmlet in the /North Island New Zealand.

She Decided to sell everything (Live Stock) and move to the South island With Me !.
She Drove with the Cat ..Leaving the farmlet Leased out to the neighbouring farmer.

"What could possibly go wrong " ?

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


When young the whole world is your oyster.  Do what ever you want whenever you want .
Experience travel . A whole lot of different occupations .
Join sports teams and compete against similar aged people , you have it all ...A spring in your step
A sparkle in your eyes, cheekiness in your voice. One Day you might fall in Love......From that moment it all changes..!............Commitment...........Children...........Mortgages......Property...!

Fifteen Years scoot bye, OMG where did they go? ...The busy Life style of juggling taxi driving with
unlimited different sports, Work...

The Dream of being a millionaire by 30 slips from your grip, Survival is now the focus.
Trying to keep the work balance home life, within the normal....So hard...(Nothing changed there in todays World ).

Children grow up and Leave, establish their own branch to the Family Tree.
The Women you Married comes Home one Day and says She wants a Divorce
You look at her like she is a stranger. Even though She is the mother of the Children that you both reared. You thought she was a Life Partner, You're Mistake.

That Door shuts as another Door opens and you find Love again. Your own Children have moved away and are rarely ever seen.  You Re-Marry,  Both combining half your assets again to build a good life.

Once again filled with travel to exotic locations, Laughter , Middle Aged and the whole world ahead of you.

"Wrong" ...You have one foot on a banana skin and things are about to go pear shaped.

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic...

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic ... : Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK. Borrowers invoice only ...

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