Monday, August 13, 2018

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic...

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic ... : Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK. Borrowers invoice only pic, Donator pays the bill after due diligence. payment 0- 12 months.Rewards

Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .APP

Borrowers invoice only pic, Donator pays the bill after due diligence. payment 0- 12 months.Rewards offered before three months in full to Borrowers.
Latest creation from   APPS maker , Suppling the feed.
(Still in testing .)

Peer to Peer Lending and Borrowing . Proof of identity Automated $7.00 fee from the lender of money each time.
Flat rate 10%  for the borrower after 14 days, if paid prior to 14 days its zero interest.( No weekly interest bills.) 
 The App works on a star rated system to indicate who the best multi media accounts are. 9 months and it is a 1 star.
Black listed for any Trolls wanting to Delete all Information,in an atempt to defraud the system . 
Paypal payment ,Android pay and wave. Google Pay. Leave message on messenger for problems.
No guarantees. no liabilities

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Are Our Hospitals keeping up with Demand New Zealand

Image result for whangarei hospital picture


 The simple answer is no! Twelve surgical staff off last week. Elderly living older and needing more care. ( Falls broken limbs hips etc.) My surgery delayed from july to october the 9Th.
Apparently we are short of all necessary facilities, Surgical rooms down to anesthetists. But ME unemployed for three years with ZERO INCOME is completely unacceptable in my opinion.

While the country goes gooey eyed over the prime ministers baby. (Sorry you have a country to run 
So your fifty six thousand probably would of helped with alot of expenses while you swarray your new fame.)  

Totally annoyed ...Lucky i am married ...i can bludge off my wife ...For how long though.?
This government is doing my head in.....?

Pretty sure that date will come and go...Is how the system works and guess who will still be stuck!.
Annoyed Blogger/ or Bludger.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Getting Nervous !!! Aspetto la mia operazione alla doppia anca e mi innervosisco man mano che le giornate si avvicinano.

Image result for medical surgery room free pics


Just hangin Waiting for my surgery  date for double hip operation .Kinda getting nervous like 
an overseas trip. Because you're at the (Mercy of the Gods) or should i say surgical teams control.  Statistically you have more chance of dying on the roads in a car crash.
 But i guess after skiing and leaving my right arm on a rock with a detached right arm, pulled out of the rotator cuff , Or the successful open heart operation , Mitral valve repair...I guess this should be a walk in the park, I have seen all the you tube videos and hope it will go great. So very frustrating time in my life. Just annoyed that the body is playing up at this young age . So be careful after 50 things do tend to pack up. It is truly great to be alive.I recommend insurance as a fast track way to great health.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Jigsaw of political BS...I guai dell'Unione della Nuova Zelanda si intensificano

Red Beach Cliff Hanger: Action Man


Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life, I guess a low point is when you become ill and lose you're independence 
even though you are and always have been fiercely independent. Not wanting anything from anyone. Not to be a burden on society.  If you are married. No public funding. Too young to receive pension plan for another 4 years. So the last thing you want is family sympathy and money donations. "But how did this happen . " Simple, the public DHB is floored and incompetent. The government is responsible and should be held accountable, No matter who is in power at the time. 3 years wait?...Hmmm. i expect some third world countries to work faster than the political wheels in this country after review ,after  review, The country voted for change for the better not  worse. Nurses strike still not settled. Union unrest intensifying.
What a shambles... Winston Peters is responsible, balance of power!.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Windsor Castle in UK..Do check it out / Castello di Windsor nel Regno Unito. Do check out /


When will Harry and Meghan visit our shores.?.. Most impressive castle to visit in UK
The WINDSOR  CASTLE is the oldest known castle in the world and 39 Monarchy's have lived 
in the castle.
weapons room with a cast iron knight standing is timeless, The large show of guns and swords was impressive to me. Numerous oil paintings tell the stories of centuries previously. Royal family pics ..Loved the visit all though long queues of people waiting to enter.Don't miss changing of the guards. Great photo OP.

Red Beach Cliff Hanger: Action ManRed Beach Cliff Hanger: Action Man

Monday, July 16, 2018

Hitlers Eagles Nest a Must See... Ma che ne dici di NZ Eagles Nest quando viaggi


Hitlers Eagles Nest  Was a present for Hitler, very spectacular only one in the world. Catch a red bus and enjoy the tour, The lift is dripping in gold.

But guess what we have a tourist one in New Zealand Eagles Nest NZ ,high quality accommodation's check it out if you are looking for something xtra special.Red Beach Cliff Hanger: Action ManRed Beach Cliff Hanger: Action Man

Try my latest hard copy book or E Book from New Zealand Action Man series.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Travel Memories Can Be The Most rewarding .I ricordi di viaggio possono essere i piĂ¹ gratificanti.


THAILAND  is still a fantastic destination to holiday in , So much to offer for the tourist .
The Baht Currency makes a longer stay affordable for those wanting to be economical. 
Phuket being high on the travel blog plans. The beaches, The nightlife or just chillout..We hired a car and drove around for a week safer than scooters. When the lights change to green its like the drag strip with main traffic quite hectic ...

If you are a baby boomer and having health problems then research, and dream...Try my latest book 

Red Beach Cliff Hanger: Action ManRed Beach Cliff Hanger: Action Man

by Malcolm LLoyd Gray (Author) Now for sale!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Traveling UK Check The Canals Out / Viaggiando nel Regno Unito, controlla i canali


England Travel  and you really must see the Locks Working .

Plenty to do, check out the well inside the pub, Rumor has it, that the publican threw his cheating adulteress wife down the well in a previous century. Did not end "well" for her!.....
Has a sort of Stonehenge walk over the road , not far to walk. So check this out if you are off to the UK .. Go well ...Life is Short...Just Do It.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Italy Home Of The Formula One Racing Team

Trihrd blogger;

Brendon Hartley has had suspension problems with Red Bull, The Kiwi Racer seems to of had a problematic run,
But we are all behind him, mechanical issues hindering his true ability. We are all proud of him and wish him well...Maybe the Italian brand could be more to his liking.We wish him well no matter what?.  Never under estimate a kiwi. Scotty Mclaughlin , Scott Dixon, Many many more great racers..

Don't forget to call into the Ferrari Show Rooms when on you're next European Trip a must for any Petrol Head and for a small sum you can get to drive the legendary brand in the town Maranello.
.Just Do It..We loved it..Highs in Life...

Saturday, July 7, 2018

DIY With a Walking Stick and A Dodgy Hip Too Young Too Retire ..Waiting For double /hip Replacement.


If you are aged somewhere around 50 years of age i recommend private insurance to cover any sickness, which generally hits around 60 from a rouge  survey of friends etc...
Last Summer Cutting The Last of this winters firewood, My Best Mate... Digger there to Help pull the logs from the bush. Chainsaw at the ready. Coldest weather ,June ,July,August, Grandchildren scamper down into the bush tying logs on so they can be winched up to keep us warm for the coming months. Don't let your life quality be cut short by sickness. When one hip or knee gives you grief the other seems to go out in sympathy. Three years is a long time for the waiting lists to reduce, on the public waiting list. Anyone in this predicament realize that your mental well being is challenged as well and you are vulnerable as your walking reduces  as bone on bone limits your distance. From 2000 steps to 30 . at a time Assisted with a cane.   So Just Do It!....

Friday, July 6, 2018

Highs and Lows of Life: Who will Win the World cup football/ Chi vincerĂ  l...

Highs and Lows of Life: Who will Win the World cup football / Who will win the ... : TRIHRD BLOGGER; https: // q = world + cup + results & rlz 1C1CHZL_enNZ749NZ749 = & q = world + cup + results & qs = chrome ...

Who will Win the World cup football/ Chi vincerĂ  la coppa del mondo


Just finished watching Roger Federer   Destroy his opponent at Wimbledon Tennis, Well worth the watching on Television. He is a machine...

 but i wanted to flick over and watch football to see the 
latest results , 

Whom will be left for the finals? Some great teams have already been annihilated......Germany,Argentina,Brazil, Who's Next!.
Be funny if it was Russia against England? finals..

.Watching Saturday's sports with the young players showing off their skills  between Forest Hill /and Leopards..Glen field  Auckland,NEW ZEALAND  this weekend.
 Leopards won but the score would of been much higher but forest Hills goal keeper saved many of an assault ( great game all).5-2

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Artists Impression Or Renovators Nightmare / Disastri DIY NUOVA ZELANDA


Found this classic relic and thought it was the perfect picture, With the aged weatherboards. even the most ambitious house flipper could of meet their match on this one. Thought the landscape blended in
nicely.Pretty synonymous that this  bungalow has had better days. Imagine renovating this one .

Or just buy DIY Disasters E Book for unhelpful tips ....JUST DO IT....!

One of the most common mistakes with newbies is spilling the contents of the paint bucket before on the road , or the deck, or that new concrete driveway.. so be careful out there ...

Asked The Wife To Go Dig a couple Of Ditches New zealand/Chiesto a The Wife To Go Scava un paio di Ditches Nuova Zelanda



She jumped on the Bulldozer instead of the Digger ,But Tui just about to celebrate her 90th birthday
did not hesitate to jump in the photo opportunity. Those Kiwi Girls are pretty useful ...Think they could cut a new road..... while they are on it.. Oh seems they forgot their hi vis vests and hard hats.?
Mount Mania in the back ground

Do Not Forget If you have time Buy one of My E books ...Your contribution will help my cause
Another Dunga from Downunder. Our Farm...
 Se sei italiano il bulldozer non è uno dei primi ferrari, ma un Bristol degli anni '50 del Regno Unito
JUST DO IT!.....

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Mum and Son Bonding.....Mamma E Figlio Bonding In Nuova Zelanda

TRIHRD BLOGGER;  New Zealand Lifestyles;

Lifestyle in the country can be very rewarding, Nothing can take away that special bond in animals,
But what about people?.....They can be so mean. Arrogant. Quick to insult....
All too consumed in their own importance..........Sad Really.....?

When we should all be content and thankful ...Like the Animal kingdom....?
Love One another and no body is perfect. So be nice to each other!...Pay it Forward...
Think of Family first, especially the elderly...the sick, the frail,                     JUST DO IT ...................E commerce Online if you need help...

Friday, June 22, 2018



SO.. WHICH ONE ARE YOU?         Or maybe            IMMORTAL VS MORTAL?

Hmmm Optimist or Pessimist that is the question?

Thursday, June 21, 2018



THE HOME OF ROCKET LAB NEW ZEALAND: Brilliant minds achieving so much.
Delivering from New Zealand Shores adding to the local economy. A Grand achievement,
one that us kiwis are so proud of. So maybe when you are travelling that could be in your plans especially if you are touring north island. If you are an astronomer then...........
You might find in the summer night sky from Dunedin a view point for the spectacular array of cosmic Ora, THE  SOUTHERN LIGHTS, right here in  Kiwi Land. A spectacle of nature from the heavens.

Cadrona Ski fields Party Central Winter Festival , starts in 3 days. 
Hey if the weather plays rough and you get snowed in ....Download my E Book from AMAZON. Excuse some of my broken English spelling for petrol heads... enjoy. JUST DO IT!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018




Siamo stati al Banyan Tree Hotel Bangkok and were very happy.

BANGKOK  5 star is very affordable and the food is of highest quality brought from supermarkets . No chance of Deli Belly. 
 However on the streets it's a different matter,
with street Hawkers often seen with scorpions and other bugs as Thai cuisine.
While you are there the Floating Markets are a must see, and also see the drive through train markets .Well worth the time. Kick back and enjoy the Rick Shaws Tours or Get stuck in traffic like ours was. What ever you do ...It Feels a Safe Destination, in numbers..Just Do It..!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Dutch Camping Grounds For The Family Vacation


Looking for that Euro Holiday, This one is great and Grandparents can tag along as well.
This is a well priced idea with the static caravans set up with balconies and identification .It is a safe haven away from the normal life's pressures. Children were quite small and really enjoyed it under tens and really it is a carnival atmosphere..Hop, step and a jump from Amsterdam on the motorway.

If you are looking for something more for the parents , , Or tour through the diamond factory.

If you are driving do not forget to check out the windmills for the ultimate Dutch excursion for the whole family. the wooden cogs will even interest the most bored traveler. With the fabulous engineering. The Cheeses are also something the food connoisseur's needs to check out.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Millineum o Generazione XYZ Sei abbastanza adatto alla Nuova Zelanda


Prova a fare alcuni di questi esercizi estremi, mentre viaggi nel paese. Assicurati di scegliere la stagione estiva o la tarda primavera, all'inizio dell'autunno. Per le avventure meno forse provare

- Backpacker Guide New

Bungee Jumping ..Chi vuoi che tu lo trovi?

Nuova Zelanda. La mia passione è stata il surf e il canottaggio.

Personally i am more of an exotic white sandy beach type of person with fishing rod and picnic lunch. Finding an unpopulated place to surf cast the line out from a cluster of rocks. Looking for fresh fish of the day.

Live Life Fast My Friends As You Never Know What Tomorrow Will Bring?.....JUST DO IT!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

luogo di festa tropicale nell'Oceano Pacifico


              What better place for family and friends to Celebrate that  Special  Reunion .

A little  Tropical Paradise, island in the Pacific that we all tend to forget about , Which hosts many special occasions.
This one is  a

Friends Wedding, Where the Rarotonga Community Hosted the wedding for all to enjoy.. At the Edgewater Motel Complex..
We tended to over stay an extra week and thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality of the friendly people and what the island had to offer . Of course the wedding out on the White Sand under a canopy of flowers was the perfect back drop for exquisite numerous photo shoots, With the glistening sea, for those lovely priceless memories.
 So maybe if you are planning a wedding and its just all too hard ...Maybe this could be you're option.
Live Life and enjoy what the world has to offer...!   Just Do IT!.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Tourists flock to the popular Christchurch town, "Garden City." To check out New Zealand Hospitality, With a young vibrant University culture and new Building structures popping up
Central City.  The price of punting in a Gondola on the Avon is cheaper than one might think.
Just the thing to do on one of those beautiful summer days. Lazing in the sun by the popular 
1882 Antigua Boat Sheds . Relax with a loved one or friends,experience the coffee culture.
Or just kick back and admire the public Gardens that you can stroll through. Admire the Mature
Red beech trees ,Or different species, Check out the museum with Ivan Mauger Gold plated
Motorcycle Or Old Maori  Artifacts. So Much to do ...So Little Time To Do It In....???
Just Do It.... 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sometime You Deserve The Best



Sometimes you deserve to spoil yourselves, Be pampered with plunge pools and massage therapy,
To just take some time out! With an idyllic setting such as this for Yoga and meditation,.Rejuvenate your sole.

The photos will give you a calming effect, when reflecting on you're indulgences of past.
Santorini is the island of choice in the Greek Islands.This  is our travels and how could you beat this. 
Built on the edge of a cliff trailing down the rock face for some of the best breath taking views
you could ever encounter .

Away to escape the winter time blues in NEW ZEALAND.
Travel while you still can....Just Do It...

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New Zealand Family Day

Friendly group of people enjoying older restored cars , Music,Dancing
 and food over a  Long weekend of Petrol Head Heaven..Kaikoura home of the
Whale watch tours, very popular with all the tourists.
Just Do It ...Life Is Short.........


 is an obsession  , Yearly entertainment  as we wait patiently. The  tension builds to euphoria as
Families using the  rugged landscape for a glimpse of the unexpected. 
Surprisingly no one broke any limbs given the topography of the slope and the speed of the contestants...... A must see for any bonding  family time ..! charging after a large cheese.
 Rolling down the slope at speed.

We do NOT have this BUT ,we do have Nikau Rides. Down raised gradients,( HILLS) mostly done in our  Grandparents Generation..The family fun factor was right up with the Cheese Rolling.

Today's Modern Generation,it is now the Luge in fact that has taken the Attention of the Millennium's.
Which can be found in North Island and are popping up more frequently.Auckland,Rotorua being a couple of tourist spots.
Also heaps of fun for the younger generation.Or maybe it is Bungee jumping in Queenstown..What ever your fun is ....JUST DO IT!.....

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sitting On A Dunga From Down Under ASX

TRIHRD ,My Blog ; Dungga's  From Down Under; 

Property Flipping is not always as easy as it looks, With this house after  neglect in the Central City Of Christchurch New Zealand , came a flippers paradise. Many kiwis having the DIY skills needed to do fixer uppers. 

But how could you go from this modest improvement to a Multimillion dollar Company.
Easy if you have the drive and energy required.....

So how could this be Achieved ?...Simple just have a silent finance partner and make a hostile takeover bid on an  under performing ASX  Delisted company ,Shell Company....
Just do it!!!.......Like PC1 ....?

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Venetian Fancy Dress Ball


Masquerade Balls have always been of particular curiosity , With the Venetians excelling with the parties experiencing  once per year, for the adventurous. The Ball is the place to be ...But where we come from we are more modest New Zealand.

The canals weaving in between the water saturated buildings ,is a must see . Experience the gondolas, breath in the aromas of the smorgasbord's of eateries, with restaurant seating just a meter away from waterways. Or gaze at local artist paintings and the many little studios on the way as we did.
 Get lost in the many alleyways as you stroll about looking  for an exit.

Or just sit.
 People watch and soak in the environment. Hoards of action on the waterways bustling in the prestigious boats with their guides. Venice was one of my most memorable experiences ..Loved IT!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

France Underground



This guy reminds me of my Dad from after Second World War , would play many tunes on the
piano accordion. Maori songs mostly from the Kiwi 47 platoon New Zealand.

Think this guy is constantly looking, Scouting to see who's watching, as you have to pay.

Or are  obliged to pay.

Once our destination was reached it was  Au Revoir..? France Country is a Beautiful Country,
As is New Zealand You must visit Also...

Just Do It?........

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Bernina Express Or Tranz Alpine Rail

Bernina Express Switzerland  ....Or   ...... Tranz Alpine  New Zealand  

I must say i think this is a hard one . The History going with the tracks from Chur to Tureno .
Chur a Swiss  Town that we arrived late in the day. Looking out into a Cobblestone Courtyard on the street,from Our room above a pub.   Next day travelling to a quaint Italian town,which is in a very romantic setting on the other side of the Alps,The quiet uphill sound of the train in First class setting is very comfortable and relatively expensive in the plush leather seats. The views are notoriously great, especially great  for photography.With highly polished pristine environment, exceedingly great
 viewing through the ceiling panels reminds me of the Swiss engineering. We managed to do the trip in the middle of the day stopping at a  restaurant and asking for their fastest meal in Italy as not to miss the trip back which was actually Our only Regret ...too fast...the turn around and could not enjoy the beauty of the town . Taking in the views on the opposite side on the way back. The Alps are impressive.

So what about New Zealand...The Tranz Alpine Route.....Hmmm it is very, competitive and reminds me of the other.. snow capped mountains, exotic architectural structured bridges with that old days feel ,with jagged schist landscapes. Draped  back in time with old signage. Stopping on the way at, the longest train tunnel south of the equator Otira Tunnel,At Arthurs Pass with a quick stop.
A second engine hooks up to help with the degree of decent 1-33 and off it goes to the west coast Greymouth, a coastal community. We had our accommodation booked at lake Brunner the local motel by the pub, watching the all blacks on television with the local community all barracking on for the win that night with beers in hand.
 Next day we walked the swinging bridge track, Many walks associated with such a trip which also reminded me a bit of Switzerland......So really it does not matter . Both countries are expensive and beautiful in their own way.... Just got to get out there and do it...!    (A high point in Life)

Monday, June 4, 2018

Escape The Winter Chills Of NZ

Tourists Flock the Acropolis ,

Wearing out the slippery stone steps through the centuries , that many tourists have seen.
But never has the interest in travel been so high, or the availability so easy.
With travel companies busier than ever,it makes escaping from the snow and winter chills a few clicks away with computer convenience.

Five years from now.. this picture... this guy........ will only dream of far off destinations.
Arthritis will set in and en flame his joints. His Hip will be knackered and for the next 3 years he will endure more pain, His 3 laps of the Saint Albans NZ park, running most days, will be reduced to 30 steps without a walking stick.
When he could do with a decent surgeon in his family, to sort his dilapidated body out.
Or DHB NZ sorting out these people quicker. We live in a Rock Star Economy...???
NEW ZEALAND...........
Go Figure?.............
You might say this could be a {low point} , moving into the golden years .SOON.
Too young to retire....

So those overseas Trips ...You will ....Never regret it!!!.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Winter In New Zealand

wrong time, date stamp Sorry.
Mount Hutt,

Typical Ski Resort about one hour and a half  out of Christchurch by road, allows for all types of skiing,Advanced , Beginners. The road up is very scenic and gives a great view of the Canterbury Regions as a back drop, across the vast valley.  Methven Small quaint town provides great eatery's and accommodation's. A highlight of the dusting of powder. {Snow}Makes for exciting family fun.
 Methven in the summer they usually host a Motorcycle road race with antiques and also modern Motorcycles with hay bales as barriers for the over committed riders. Not quite up to Isle of Man standards but just a quick fast track of a couple miles at the most. Also Burt Munro Motorcycle beach racing in Invercargill in the summer if you have a love of Motorcycles and Speed.


Also has Arrow town an old gold mining town still set in the 1860s gold rushes. A must see before trying out Coronet Peak, Cadrona ski fields Representing some of the best skiing in the world and of course Fly past mount cook over the Alps and check out the North Island ,with Mount Ruapehu and
Ohakune ski fields just a few to name if Snow Boarding and Skiing is your thing...Personally Skiing
does it for me, No better feeling than siting in a chair lift with the whisper of machinery and good company, Sun  drenching the mountain.  Thick Powder Snow that you can jump from crest to crest on each Run and then Rinse and Repeat all Day?  Relax in A Spa in the afternoon with NZ glass of  Wine .
Does not get any better than this .!.............Highs in Life.!.......Live In The Moment...!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Life Is What You Make It

Image may contain: Elaine Gray and Malcolm Gray, outdoor

Joining a group of car enthusiasts , Driving the vine yards sampling the New Zealand Wines,
Or just hooking up with the coffee culture .
 Doing Lattes coffees in a relaxed atmosphere. The most important thing..." is to just do it"!.
Thirty cars ambling along the South Island roads. Does not get much better than that.
If that's what floats your boat. 

One day you will look in the mirror and hardly recognize that person who stares back at you.
Old age creeps up and rapes you of your youth. 

Live a full life my friend, for the travel person climbing all those steep steps from the cruise ship when travelling like Santorini can become impossible just five years later because you have dodgy hips, Or maybe some auto immune disease.
Or the steps on that Historical ruins. Be aware life is short......................?

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bitcoin To Be or Not to Be !

Well on with my Highs and Lows of Life after trying my hand as an Author on Amazon ,
I went into this pretend universe where if  we were to win a Ton of Money. We could Re-Vamp
our  35 acre farmlet to be a deer farm with tourists flocking in to the Area Weekly for The Helicopter thrill seeking experience fishing off the rocks by Helli fishing, Helli Ski ...New Zealand and also hunting on large adjoining block with deer sports shooting.
  Buy my book (Broken One - Malcolm L Gray).Amazon E books.

Alas that did not pan out . Slash /---Didn't come into any large sums of cash.

So i guess that's where Bitcoin came in ....Tossing the idea around on venture tourism, But settled on maybe the coastal property on the quaint Northland Coastline could be more suitable for subdivision
making a community  style of life where one large market garden could support the area.

People could share in the Northland Hospitality and live the Dream that they sort after in a tranquil

So i decided to start the dream by SELLACOIN ICO CRYPTO CURRENCY.

Well a number of things happened ;

1/   It was a great idea.
2/ Implementation is much harder than i thought?
3/ Theft from Wallets involving millions of Dollars is of great concern.
4/ Hackers tend to take over your computer in HTML or Java or Python.
5/ I need to be fluent in all aspects of programming .....?
6/I brought a hard ware Offline Wallet, After changing the code several times on (My Trezor).
7/ USA securities was all over Bitcoin making it more complicated .
8/ Now SELLACOIN would have to turn to SELLATOKEN a Security Token which takes over 6 months of waiting and goodness knows how much cash. Also anyone can start up with the same named Coin .Which makes it hard to destinquish whom has ownership of the final money.
9/ Most countries have an over 51 % retained ownership, So hence  My dilemma!!!...
10/ Complicated cash raising schemes can be explored as to avoid such as a DONATION scheme.
which meets ASIC requests.  XRP is an extremely good coin and can be changed to FIAT CURRENCY.....".Which would of suited me. But with out implementation, it is only just another IDEA!"............................I encourage you to write your ideas on this? in the comments section below.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Dumb Mistakes Investment For Newbies

Firstly this is My Experiences and I hope you profit from my mistakes. Free Speech and all that.

Buying into an earthquake area, floor levels need to be just that...! with only a fifty millimeter tolerance In floor Levels with Laser  levels.( As in New Zealand .Building Code). The house purchases, can be much cheaper than normal.

Investing into Multi Country currencies can be very lucrative as long as the Dollar is working for you and picking a weak stock with growth is usually a great idea. This can double your profits.

I personally pick penny stocks but i need to invest in ten different stocks, Out of that, 3 will go broke.
stopping trading 1 to 2 will make exceptional gains.....The rest will stay marginally static in my experience. Share markets are ALL at historical highs and can pretty much only go one way in my opinion.

Worst mistake is to make a huge profit and because it was so easy, get greedy, Slipping half the profits into a Bio Chemistry waiting for Phase3 Trials Results.... before going to market with approval with FDA..........(buy after the announcement not before....)Price will fall off a cliff if the FDA don't approve.

Generally Mining stocks can be either lucrative or track south given your research ability.
But look for Maiden JORC results quantified estimations. Very important and how soon they can get to market. Research, you can never do enough.

Finally I like back door (Shell Companies) MERGER TAKEOVERS if done swiftly and effectively with good strong management.

Nothing is ever a certainty ,Never have all your funds in the same area or you will get burnt at some point in time.  Markets can change at any time ....Moments Notice...! Do Your Own Due Diligence.


I had flown into Christchurch to fix houses and was in the middle of a Wallpaper hanging job
and i felt the job was taking longer than normal. Christchurch was hit by a few large earth quakes back in 2011 , A lot of damage was just cosmetic, wall linings cracks , but some where more structural foundations etc  180 people had been tragically  killed through it .
Anyway the elderly lady
Owner of the dwelling...Said ...".I have been listening to you're Breathing."

"You sound just like my Husband before he died with a sudden Heart Attack...!".

(Mental Note)
 As soon as i finished the job i ambled down to A+E (Accident and  Emergency )
hospital... Didn't leave for three days and then they rushed me for a Mitral valve Repair for my Heart.
With a Regurgitating blood problem from the Heart, going back into the Lungs. 90%

My Wife was super surprised to hear of a 6 week time out to recover . But my recovery was speedy and not long and i was back on triple story buildings scaling up the scaffold outside .

Pretty Chippa that i didn't DIE!
Thanks to the Surgeons .

We  were now living long distance Relationships .
My Wife inherited the jobs of looking after  a bunch of calves and chickens with Smoochy the Cat
on our Small coastal Farmlet in the /North Island New Zealand.

She Decided to sell everything (Live Stock) and move to the South island With Me !.
She Drove with the Cat ..Leaving the farmlet Leased out to the neighbouring farmer.

"What could possibly go wrong " ?

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


When young the whole world is your oyster.  Do what ever you want whenever you want .
Experience travel . A whole lot of different occupations .
Join sports teams and compete against similar aged people , you have it all ...A spring in your step
A sparkle in your eyes, cheekiness in your voice. One Day you might fall in Love......From that moment it all changes..!............Commitment...........Children...........Mortgages......Property...!

Fifteen Years scoot bye, OMG where did they go? ...The busy Life style of juggling taxi driving with
unlimited different sports, Work...

The Dream of being a millionaire by 30 slips from your grip, Survival is now the focus.
Trying to keep the work balance home life, within the normal....So hard...(Nothing changed there in todays World ).

Children grow up and Leave, establish their own branch to the Family Tree.
The Women you Married comes Home one Day and says She wants a Divorce
You look at her like she is a stranger. Even though She is the mother of the Children that you both reared. You thought she was a Life Partner, You're Mistake.

That Door shuts as another Door opens and you find Love again. Your own Children have moved away and are rarely ever seen.  You Re-Marry,  Both combining half your assets again to build a good life.

Once again filled with travel to exotic locations, Laughter , Middle Aged and the whole world ahead of you.

"Wrong" ...You have one foot on a banana skin and things are about to go pear shaped.

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic...

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic ... : Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK. Borrowers invoice only ...

Giorno della famiglia