Monday, August 13, 2018

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic...

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic ... : Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK. Borrowers invoice only pic, Donator pays the bill after due diligence. payment 0- 12 months.Rewards

Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .APP

Borrowers invoice only pic, Donator pays the bill after due diligence. payment 0- 12 months.Rewards offered before three months in full to Borrowers.
Latest creation from   APPS maker , Suppling the feed.
(Still in testing .)

Peer to Peer Lending and Borrowing . Proof of identity Automated $7.00 fee from the lender of money each time.
Flat rate 10%  for the borrower after 14 days, if paid prior to 14 days its zero interest.( No weekly interest bills.) 
 The App works on a star rated system to indicate who the best multi media accounts are. 9 months and it is a 1 star.
Black listed for any Trolls wanting to Delete all Information,in an atempt to defraud the system . 
Paypal payment ,Android pay and wave. Google Pay. Leave message on messenger for problems.
No guarantees. no liabilities

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Are Our Hospitals keeping up with Demand New Zealand

Image result for whangarei hospital picture


 The simple answer is no! Twelve surgical staff off last week. Elderly living older and needing more care. ( Falls broken limbs hips etc.) My surgery delayed from july to october the 9Th.
Apparently we are short of all necessary facilities, Surgical rooms down to anesthetists. But ME unemployed for three years with ZERO INCOME is completely unacceptable in my opinion.

While the country goes gooey eyed over the prime ministers baby. (Sorry you have a country to run 
So your fifty six thousand probably would of helped with alot of expenses while you swarray your new fame.)  

Totally annoyed ...Lucky i am married ...i can bludge off my wife ...For how long though.?
This government is doing my head in.....?

Pretty sure that date will come and go...Is how the system works and guess who will still be stuck!.
Annoyed Blogger/ or Bludger.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Getting Nervous !!! Aspetto la mia operazione alla doppia anca e mi innervosisco man mano che le giornate si avvicinano.

Image result for medical surgery room free pics


Just hangin Waiting for my surgery  date for double hip operation .Kinda getting nervous like 
an overseas trip. Because you're at the (Mercy of the Gods) or should i say surgical teams control.  Statistically you have more chance of dying on the roads in a car crash.
 But i guess after skiing and leaving my right arm on a rock with a detached right arm, pulled out of the rotator cuff , Or the successful open heart operation , Mitral valve repair...I guess this should be a walk in the park, I have seen all the you tube videos and hope it will go great. So very frustrating time in my life. Just annoyed that the body is playing up at this young age . So be careful after 50 things do tend to pack up. It is truly great to be alive.I recommend insurance as a fast track way to great health.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Jigsaw of political BS...I guai dell'Unione della Nuova Zelanda si intensificano

Red Beach Cliff Hanger: Action Man


Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life, I guess a low point is when you become ill and lose you're independence 
even though you are and always have been fiercely independent. Not wanting anything from anyone. Not to be a burden on society.  If you are married. No public funding. Too young to receive pension plan for another 4 years. So the last thing you want is family sympathy and money donations. "But how did this happen . " Simple, the public DHB is floored and incompetent. The government is responsible and should be held accountable, No matter who is in power at the time. 3 years wait?...Hmmm. i expect some third world countries to work faster than the political wheels in this country after review ,after  review, The country voted for change for the better not  worse. Nurses strike still not settled. Union unrest intensifying.
What a shambles... Winston Peters is responsible, balance of power!.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Windsor Castle in UK..Do check it out / Castello di Windsor nel Regno Unito. Do check out /


When will Harry and Meghan visit our shores.?.. Most impressive castle to visit in UK
The WINDSOR  CASTLE is the oldest known castle in the world and 39 Monarchy's have lived 
in the castle.
weapons room with a cast iron knight standing is timeless, The large show of guns and swords was impressive to me. Numerous oil paintings tell the stories of centuries previously. Royal family pics ..Loved the visit all though long queues of people waiting to enter.Don't miss changing of the guards. Great photo OP.

Red Beach Cliff Hanger: Action ManRed Beach Cliff Hanger: Action Man

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic...

Highs and Lows of Life: Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK .Borrowers invoic ... : Trihrd blogger; SEND MONEY QUICK. Borrowers invoice only ...

Giorno della famiglia